finance laundry water recycling

Finance Options

A variety of finance options are available to help most companies generate positive cash flow from the moment our system is in operation. Options allowing for minimal cash outlay make it easy to acquire the equipment.

AquaRecycle offers internal financing through our AquaFy division guaranteeing ANY laundry getting a recycle a system with no money down (excluding out of pocket costs)

Enjoy an immediate positive cashflow with no collateral and low finance costs

Since 90% of all our systems have a under 24 month payback, our 36 month lease provides a guaranteed positive cash flow immediately

A Q U A F Y  A P P L I C A T I O N

Click to DOWNLOAD the fillable PDF AquaFy application

Once your application is completely filled out, save and email to AquaRecycle via this link: SUBMIT FORM



Click here for a free cost-benefit analysis.

Matching Savings With Cash Flow

Recycling of laundry wash water provides incredible savings and has been touted as “the only real environmental product with justifiable savings” on the market today. So why do so many companies defer purchasing one?

Sticker Shock is the likely answer.

As owners (and management companies) look to cut costs, most have a hard time justifying an up-front capital expenditure on a system with an average price tag of more than $100,000. They believe it’s easier to put in a less expensive alternative, even if its ROI is small in comparison.

AquaRecycle understands its customers’ dilemma and has come up with several creative financing alternatives.


A 300-room hotel uses about 650,000 gallons of water per month to run its laundry. Using an average of $5 per one thousand gallons of water for water and sewer costs, the hotel pays about $3,250 per month to the utility company. The hotel will pay close to $2,000 more per month for the energy needed to increase the average temperature of the city water 100 degrees (from 60° to 160°).


Installing our recycle system can save this hotel $5,000 per month in utility costs. With our extended payment plan, the hotel pays AquaRecycle $2,500 per month for three years and then owns the system outright. With one of our many financing solutions, the hotel can use the monthly savings to pay for cost of the system over an extended period of time while still enjoying a substantial part of the savings—all without huge out-of pocket cash payments.

Call an AquaRecycle representative today and see what your numbers will show!

finance-options laundry water recycling

Tremendous Water & Energy Savings