health care water laundry water recycling

CAGE Water Recycling – Healthcare & Industrial

  • Our Patent-Pending AquaRecycle® CAGE System is designed to maximize water and energy savings while providing the highest level of contaminant removal and disinfection
  • CAGE stands for Clean and Green E-Series for the Healthcare, Correctional, Military and Textile Services Industry.
  • CAGE is designed with added specially formulated media for the most compromising laundry water
  • The KEY Addition is our CAG Filter, which combined with our UV and Ozone Systems, provides Triple Disinfection for the cleanest and greenest
  • Documented and Guaranteed Water and Energy savings at 80% reduction in water costs and 60% of energy costs
  • Available in 8 convenient sizes – MICRO, ENTRY, XSMALL, SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE, XLARGE and MAXIMUM
  • Includes AquaSmartTM 6.0, a high speed Secure Private Network providing 24/7 data and error detecting software to maximize performance

Simple Operation

  • Laundry Wash Water from the washers is pumped to our Lint Vibration and Removal System for large solids removal
  • Our process pump sends the filtered water through our Specially Formulated Media Tanks which removes remaining Suspended Solids, Oil and Grease, Chemical Soaps and Detergents, Dissolved Organics and other contaminants
  • CAG Filter, UV and Ozone Disinfection System provides a Triple Assault on bacteria and virus before the recycled water is sent back to the hot and cold-water lines using a high speed Supply pump
  • Recycled Water maintains 100% return of heat in the water back to washers to maximize energy savings

Download the CAGE information sheet

CAGE-System water laundry water recycling

80% reduction in water costs and 60% of energy costs

Tremendous Water & Energy Savings